Brazilian Rice with Ground Beef

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Brazilian rice with ground beef is a simple meal, but very tasty. This recipe was quick and easy, and it even passed the picky eater test!

Brazilian Rice with Ground Beef

Ingredients (about 4 servings):


  1. Heat a pot or pan (with tight fitting lid) to medium-high heat. Add oil.
  2. Add onions and cook for about 1 minute. Add garlic and cook until garlic starts turning light brown.
  3. Add uncooked rice and salt. Mix frequently so nothing burns. Continue cooking until rice starts turning light brown.
  4. Add water. Stir. Place tight fitting lid on pan/pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer. Let cook for about 18-20 minutes, or until the water is absorbed.
  5. Set aside, but keep lid on until ready to serve.
  6. Heat the cooked ground beef. Add cumin, salt, and pepper to taste.
  7. Serve rice topped with ground beef mixture. Goes great with steamed carrots!

*Inspired by THIS recipe.

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Recipe Name
Brazilian Rice with Ground Beef
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