Slowing Down with Peanuts

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The last time my kids and I went to the produce market together they decided they wanted to try a few new things. Boiling onions, teeny tiny colorful potatoes, and peanuts with the shells still on. I said they could each pick five peanuts to put in the bag. They each counted out five plus another handful and quickly put them in the plastic bag.

When we got home they loooved cracking open the shells and then eating the peanuts. To them, it was like unwrapping mini presents. As they were munching away and finding fun ways to get the shells off, I realized what a great snack these shell-on peanuts are! – they were filling to my kids while entertaining at the same time. And, instead of quickly being gobbled up in a couple minutes or not even being touched/tasted, my kids were curious and excited about the peanuts. They spent 20 minutes at the table eating about 7 peanuts. It was great!

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