Cold Hot Chocolate Story

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Bundle up and get comfy. Here is a cold hot chocolate story for you:

As college students, my husband and I somehow ended up with way too much hot chocolate one Winter… mostly passed down from friends and old roommates who were in the process of moving and trying to get rid of stuff they didn’t want to move and didn’t want to throw away. So we inherited several bulk containers of hot chocolate powder.

I am not much of a hot-chocolate drinker. Every so often I enjoy sipping a little, but I’m more of a food person. Like I’d rather get my calories by eating yummy food than by drinking a sugary drink.

But Busy Dad loves hot chocolate. He also doesn’t like to be wasteful.

It was finally our turn to move and de-junk. I would have gladly thrown all that hot chocolate powder into the garbage, but my husband thought we should use it up, even though technically the expiration dates had all passed. So I watched with a smile as he prepared to make our hot chocolate stash disappear.

I’ll never forget the moment he put some hot chocolate powder into a cup, turned the tap to hot, but didn’t wait for the stream of water to heat up. He gave the concoction a quick stir and started drinking that clumpy, cold hot chocolate.

Gulp by gulp, it was clear he wasn’t enjoying the “hot” chocolate very much. He definitely was not savoring each little sip. Was it really worth putting that sugar into his body if he wasn’t even enjoying it?

Anyway, I don’t remember how this story ended, but he doesn’t do that anymore. He’s actually a fantastic hot chocolate maker now.

The moral of this story is that we only have so many sips of hot chocolate in our lives. If they aren’t enjoyable, don’t sip. If something is unhealthy and you don’t care for it, go without. Save the calories for something you actually like! You’ll be glad you did 🙂

*If you would like to enjoy hot chocolate every once in a while as a really special treat, you may want to give this FRENCH HOT CHOCOLATE RECIPE a try.

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