4th of July Snack

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I’ve always wanted to make those multi-colored, layered jellos, but it looks like I’d have to be a little more ambitious to actually get around to that.

If you want to be festive and patriotic with your food on the 4th of July, try this easy red, white, and blue snack. Super quick and easy to throw together!

4th of July Snack Recipe


  • vanilla yogurt (Lately I’ve been enjoying Open Nature Greek Vanilla yogurt)
  • blueberries
  • strawberries and/or raspberries
  • optional: chopped walnuts or pecans

I served it on white plates because those are what we have, but if you have red or blue bowls, I think that would be super duper cute.

Enjoy this healthy snack!

4th of july snack


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