Simple Homemade Tahini Recipe

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So I was craving SESAME CHICKEN so bad that I bought an 8 oz bottle of sesame seeds. And of course only used a couple tablespoons. But when I came across a homemade Tahini recipe today, those poor forgotten sesame seeds were given a new purpose. : ) I never realized Tahini is so easy to make at home until I found THIS recipe. Unless you eat a lot of Tahini in your family, it’s pretty hard to use up that whole jar in a timely manner. I love that you can quickly blend up a smaller portion of Tahini and then without even washing the blender, you can make hummus, all in about 5 minutes!

Ingredients (yields about 3/4 C. Tahini):

  • 3/4 C. roasted sesame seeds
  • 5 Tbsp. olive oil


Blend together oil and sesame seeds in blender until it forms a smooth paste. Try making some tasty HUMMUS with your homemade Tahini!

*Note: If you have raw sesame seeds, you can toast them in your oven at 350 degrees for about 8-10 minutes on a shallow baking tray. Shake the seeds around on the tray frequently so they don’t burn or brown. Let them cool and then add them with oil in the blender.

*Inspired by THIS recipe.

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