Heavenly Banana Splits with Strawberry Topping

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This year I am trying to not eat chocolate (although there will be a few exceptions). Here is an amazingly simple yet gourmet dessert recipe that makes this no-chocolate-eating thing much easier. 🙂

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 1 or 1/2 banana (try getting a yellow banana, not green and not too ripe)
  • 2 heaping scoops Vanilla Bean ice cream
  • about 2 Tbsp. STRAWBERRY TOPPING
  • a dollop of whipped cream


Slice the banana lengthwise and lay the halves (or quarters) near the edges of a bowl. Place the scoops of ice cream between (and partially on top of) the banana halves. Drizzle warm strawberry topping on and around the ice cream and bananas. Top with whipped cream. The whipped cream is the real reason these are heavenly banana splits.

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