Easy Breakfast Burrito with Eggs, Sausage, and Potato

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Ingredients (about 7 servings):

  • 2 Ball Park Angus Beef Hot Links smoked sausage with chili peppers, cut into small pieces
  • 5 eggs, beaten
  • 3 golden potatoes, cut into small cubes
  • about 1/2 C. grated Colby Jack cheese
  • 7ish tortillas
  • optional: salsa


  1. Heat a pan to medium heat. Put the chopped (precooked) sausage in the pan. When they are hot and there is plenty of grease in the pan, add the chopped potatoes. Mix, cover with lid, and cook for about 10-15 minutes, or until potatoes are soft, but not mushy. Mix occasionally so nothing burns.
  2. Add the beaten eggs and mix gently. Let cook for a few minutes and mix again. Cook and then mix again, until the eggs are all cooked.
  3. Turn off heat. Add cheese and mix it up.
  4. Spoon some of the mixture into a tortilla and wrap it up. Enjoy with your favorite salsa!


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