Oatmeal Surprise Breakfast Idea

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When I was younger, it was a rare treat in my family to have cold cereal. On Christmas morning we’d usually wake up to a variety of boxes of cold cereal on the table, just calling for us to open them up and eat them.

Every once in a while, an older sibling with his driver’s licence would buy his own cold cereal (usually Raisin Bran or Corn Flakes) and sometimes share with the younger kids.

Sometimes. 🙂

Usually for breakfast we’d have oatmeal, cracked wheat cereal, or cream of wheat. We’d also do scrambled eggs and toast a lot. Every once in a while, we’d come downstairs and my mom would serve us oatmeal surprise: oatmeal with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!

This was the best! The ice cream helped cool off the hot oatmeal while also making it sweet and so creamy.

The other day I gave my own kids an oatmeal surprise. 🙂 They loved having that vanilla ice cream all melted over their cinnamon oatmeal. It mixed things up a little and put smiles on their faces.

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