I have memories, back from when I was four or five years old, of drinking carob milk out of a baby bottle. I didn’t always use baby bottles at that age 🙂 but for some reason it was a must for drinking carob milk!
Now I can drink it from a glass, so yes, I have grown out of baby bottles. My kids have also grown out of bottles and enjoy their carab powder in cups too!
This simple carab powder recipe uses only 3 ingredients so you have no reason not to try it! It’s a healthier alternative to hot chocolate and is just as satisfying.
This is the carob powder we use and love. Hope you like it too!
Carob Milk
Ingredients (1 serving):
- 1 C. organic whole milkÂ
- 1/2 -1 Tbsp. carob powderÂ
- 1 Tbsp. honeyÂ

Hi… thanks for the recipe. I wonder what it would taste like using almond milk instead of whole milk? I don’t drink milk and I haven’t drank hot chocolate for quite some time because of all the sugar and sodium, but maybe I will try this with some unsweetened almond milk. Thanks
Hi Don,
My family actually made hot chocolate the other day using unsweetened vanilla almond milk, cocoa powder, honey and vanilla. I thought it was okay, but my husband absolutely loved it. I might try it again using coconut milk. If you try the carob almond milk, please let us know how you like it!
I think we might be related. I drank warm carob milk from a bottle at age 4-5, too!!!!!! Only that from a bottle. My mom bought “Tiger’s Milk” carob drink, and I miss it to this day. I’ve tried to find the recipe for it, but no luck so far. People on message boards can only guess. I think the carob with honey and vanilla come closest, but I think there is something missing. I can’t have dairy now, so I think the coconut milk alters the taste a bit, too. I had to comment because of the bottle thing. I thought I was the only one who did that, LOL!
Kathy, that is so funny! Glad I’m not the only one 🙂
Have you ever tried a Tigers Milk bar? I’m wondering if it tastes similar to the milk you mentioned. I used to LOVE those bars, but haven’t had one in ages.
Yes, I’ve tried the bars. They are good, but not the same as the hot carob drink. I’m going to keep experimenting. Or maybe I’ll just settle and be happy with the concoction I already have 🙂
I don’t ever comment on these boards but…
When I was a kid, I had so many allergies! The one “candy” bar I was allowed to have was Tiger’s Milk!
I have searched high and low for them for a good few years now and haven’t found them. I can still remember how they tasted and I’m sure having one bite would bring back a flood of memories, for me
Hi Michele, I appreciate you commenting! You bringing up Tiger’s Milk bars brought back a bunch of memories for me, haha 😀 That was one of my favorites as a kid, I would sometimes go to the gas station store just to buy one. I’ve recently seen them near the checkout line at Aldi, and they are also sold on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/s?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=tigers+milk&sprefix=tigers+milk%2Caps%2C123&crid=28BW7U43JWQX6 I think Trader Joe’s sells them too 🙂
Hi! Can I use carob powder daily to flavor milk for my 18 month old who won’t drink plain milk?
Hi Casey, Great question! I would recommend asking your child’s doctor about that.
In the meantime, here are a few other ways you might be able to help the milk be more interesting/intriguing for your little one:
-serving it in a new or different dish, maybe letting your child choose between two dishes
-serve it with a straw (there are various straws out there that might keep things interesting if he/she is into straws)
-with crushed ice or freeze the milk into popsicle form
-or maybe see if she likes it warm
-make it a fun color (things like beet juice, turmeric, blueberries and spinach can help… here is an article on how to make food coloring with these foods: https://leitesculinaria.com/96672/recipes-natural-food-coloring.html )
-in a bowl with little chopped up bananas and/or strawberries, or mixed in with cooked oatmeal
Hope this helps! 🙂
This helps tremendously!!!! Thank you so much for all of the great suggestions!