Sack Lunch Ideas

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When I was too young to go to school with my older brothers and sisters, I got my “school” fix in by packing myself a sack lunch some of the days.

Why is it more fun to eat lunch out of a brown paper bag or lunch box? I don’t know. But for me, it is. And I experimented with my kids yesterday, and they loved it too.

We were going to be at the park during lunch time, and normally I would just grab a few snacks and stuff them in my purse. When I do it this way, my kids usually eat a little bit and then show more interest in the playground.

But when I got three separate brown paper sacks out yesterday and carefully placed a sandwich, apple slices, cheese, and a granola bar in each bag, they were ecstatic! Oh, and don’t forget to put each person’s name on their own bag. That is a very important part. 🙂

My two-year-old carried her bag with her all around the playground, taking breaks here and there to eat. My three-year-old let me hold his bag for him, but was very aware of what was already eaten and what was still in his bag. Whether eating a sack lunch was a novel idea for them, gave them a sense of ownership, or for whatever other reason, my kids sure enjoyed it.

For those of you who stay home with children during the day, one way to add variety to lunch time is to pack the lunch in a bag or lunch box. Maybe sit somewhere different while eating. If you usually eat inside, try eating outside. Or make a living room fort and bring your packed lunch in there.

And please comment and let us know how it goes!

For more ideas on how to make family meal time more pleasant for little ones, visit HERE and HERE!

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