UPDATE: After making these Navajo Tacos several times, I recommend doubling it and making eight fry breads instead of four 😀  Also, if you don’t already have an open container of powdered milk, just skip the powder and use regular milk in the recipe. You can even use half regular milk and half water. Turns out great either way!
Although fry bread is absolutely amazing, fast, and easy to make, I decided to try baking the bread instead to avoid making a mess with the whole frying process and, not to mention, I was trying to be a little bit healthier! My husband and I both thought it turned out great and we were happy to not have the oil in the air stinging our eyes and hovering in our kitchen for the next several days. It was also easier, faster, and less messy to bake the bread!
Ingredients for baked fry bread (4 servings):
- 1 C. white flour
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. powdered milk
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1/2 c. water
Topping Options:
- chili (or MASHED BEANS)… sometimes I even do a combination of leftover mashed beans with a can of chile
- sour cream
- shredded lettuce
- diced tomatoes
- cheese
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Mix together the dry ingredients.
- Add water and mix (try not to over-mix so that they still turn out nice and fluffy). Form a ball.
- Divide into 4 sections and flatten out into sections that look similar to pancakes. They don’t have to be perfect. It may help to sprinkle a little flour on top if they are too sticky to handle. (Don’t spend too much time handling the dough. Just make sure the sizes are about even, and spread each out a little bit).
- Set the 4 pieces in a greased baking pan (I like this one)
 or a parchment paper -covered pan and bake at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes. (I love the pre-cut parchment paper sheets! So easy to pull one out and they are already cut to fit a normal-sized cookie sheet!)
- Turn the oven off after 10 minutes (make sure the center of each piece is not doughy), but you can keep the bread in there until you are ready to serve dinner so they stay warm.
Enjoy the Navajo Tacos with fresh leafy greens on the side 🙂

I’m glad i found this I have been trying to find a way to make my fry bread but also be healthier.
Iris, I’m glad you found the recipe too! It’s one of our favorites and I hope you enjoy it as well.
Been wanting another way to make fry bread but when I tried this one it didn’t rise it was flat.
I’m sorry they didn’t rise well for you! Do you think they might have been over-mixed? Sometimes when I mix the ingredients together too much or over-work the dough they don’t get as fluffy.
We made these again tonight, but used them like Indian Naan instead of fry bread as a side to Chicken Curry (https://busymomrecipes.com/dinner/coconut-lime-chicken-curry-with-chiles/). They were delicious and so easy to make! I was sure to be quick with how I stirred and handled them, trying not to over-mix. Right after pulling them out of the oven, I grabbed a stick of salted butter and rubbed a little on the top of each piece of “naan”.
Use self rising flour, and oil the baking pan. Also brush oil over tops of breads after 10 mins flip and allow to crisp 5-10 mins remove from oven. Delicious.
Skye, those sound like great tips! Does it make them more crispy and browned? I’ll have to try it next time. Thanks for the comment!
So, to replace the powdered milk with regular milk, how much regular milk do you use? These sound delicious, but I don’t use powdered milk so have no idea how to convert.
Hi Lynne, I think you could use 1/2 C. liquid milk in place of the water and omit the 1 tsp. of powdered milk altogether. We love these Navajo tacos and I hope you enjoy them too! Please let us know how they turn out for you 🙂