Salisbury Steak Dinner Idea

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Sometimes it’s nice to have a few microwaveable dinners in the freezer for those days you run out of groceries or were too busy to make dinner plans, but don’t have enough time to wait in line at a fast food place. Or you don’t want to make a mess in the kitchen, you get home later than you were expecting… you get the idea. 🙂  So if you’re getting tired of frozen taquitos, try mixing it up with Salisbury steaks!

My husband has mentioned several times how he used to really enjoy eating Salisbury steaks growing up— the kind you just pop in the microwave. Well, the other day I happened to walk by the frozen boxed dinner section at the grocery store and thought I’d get some Salisbury steaks as a special surprise dinner that week. They were just a dollar each, and came with mashed potatoes. We just steamed some broccoli and carrots to add some veggies to the meal, and it was actually pretty good. It still took a little bit of time to microwave three boxes, so I think this is a good meal if you’re making it for no more than four people.

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