Steamed Broccoli and Baby Carrots

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Try this steamed broccoli and baby carrots recipe for a simple, healthy side dish. There’s no better way to add color to your meal! If you want to make them extra yummy, let a slice of butter melt on top of the vegetables in the warm pot before serving.

Ingredients (3-4 servings):

  • a handful of baby carrots
  • about 1 or 1 1/2 C. chopped broccoli
  • water


  1. Fill a pot with about 1 inch high with water. Bring to a boil.
  2. Add carrots, then broccoli. Place lid on top.
  3. Cook about 10 minutes. Drain water out. Place lid on top to keep heat in until ready to serve.

These steamed vegetables are the perfect side dish to eat with  mashed potatoes and rotisserie chicken!

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