Healthy Snack: Strawberry Yogurt Recipe

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This strawberry yogurt recipe makes a quick, easy, and healthy snack. Your kids will love it (maybe even as much as ice cream- my kids sure do!). The best part of your kids liking your own strawberry yogurt is that it’s a serving of both fruit AND dairy, so you’re helping them build strong bones as well as getting important nutrients for their growing bodies!

Such a delicious snack is perfect for a hot Summer day! Nothing to heat up in the oven or on the stove, and a cool treat will keep the temperature low in your bodies, too!

A quick note- I recommend using a yogurt that DOESN’T have any aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, or other harmful substances. These may be harder to find or more expensive, but the health benefits are worth the effort!

Strawberry Yogurt Recipe

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • about 1/2 – 1 C. Lucerne strawberry or vanilla yogurt
  • about 3 strawberries, washed, stemmed, and chopped
  • optional: some sliced banana


  • Spoon yogurt into a serving bowl. Top with fresh strawberries.
  • Enjoy a yummy and healthy treat!

Leave me a comment with how you like it!

Also, if you have more ideas for recipes I should make, please let me know! Thanks!


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